Yesterday started like any other Saturday, we fed the kids breakfast, got ready for the day and checked FB. Mr. Holland had a busy week and he wanted to go do something. It was a surprise on where we were going. Normally everyone is ok with this type of road trip, but with Tink med free, we didn't know what to expect. We got in the van as Mr. Holland followed us in his car to Horsey's house, Hulk & Doc were going to spend the day with her so we could spend some needed time with Mr. Magnificent & Tink. We said our goodbye's and joined Mr. Holland in the car. Tink was full of questions, "When will we be there?", "Why do we have to go?" I know that she has a hard time with transitioning and other new situations, so I reassured her that everything was ok and asked her what she saw out her window. The anticipation was driving her nuts, the car ride was too long ...
Children's challenges through the eyes of a mother